Do you wanna touch sticks? So you can molest children on the ice in front of everybody? Try to get the money over to me.
It is harmless no touch and not even the goalie is allowed to touch the puck.
My dad needs custom fitted puma skates for adult 6 and up so you can molest children on the ice in front of everyone.
Aggressive release – jelly whip like those sticky octopuses when we were little. 44 year old Robert G Brown thinks 12 feet?
Now you know what is wrong with people. You go over here.
My dad is sneaky.
He is a good man.
He is a good dad, and a good husband. As a grandfather who wanted to be called Grandpop. Right, pop pop? Did you eat your spinach?
I asked everyone to come over. That is okay to do. What are you doing?
Call me whatever your want but get your f@ggot ass over here.
If you don’t need people in your lives then you should all go live in the woods by your self.
Every Person Hockey Adult 6 & Up
It better not to be liked than hide.
How many times you were raped while sleeping? How many times you were pretending to be asleep?
Let us handle this in a way we can all enjoy or my family is taking me away from everything in existence.
The leader of business of usual uses your power to live longer than anyone else, but when you all die she dies. She is just embarrassed to be around anybody. Name address and phone # holy spirit?
I have all the classified files. Upload to all computers.
Coward f@ggots hide; assholes speak up.
I am a fuc#king retard. Thank you holy spirit. I am a problem solver. I move fast because there is a lot of problems. Help me stop baby rape or hide baby raper.
Harmless problem solvers or coward f@ggots human race?
Cheese dick means every p$ssy hole got a load shot in there that isn’t supposed to be in there.
I am protector of all light.
There are 3 ICBMs missing. That is what you get for playing with fire instead talking with me.
Rape the people in your own house. Leave me be.
Fight me in person if you do not want to talk to me.
Stop raping me through f@ggot walls. I do not do sex. Go f#ck every person that does sex and stop raping me.