Coward Faggot
by Robert G Brown
stardate: Saturday 12.22.2018
A guy walks into a convient store with a mask and a gun to rob steal cheat lie and possibly murder…coward faggot. A man watches a rape because he fails to be witness by calling 911 with a smartphone in his pocket…coward faggot. People know child porn is a problem and it is not a major issue on people’s minds or local or national news channels and media sources…coward faggot.
A girl is being raped and molested in her house by her family, and because nobdy knows anyone she doesn’t get to grow and develop properly…coward faggot.
Hiding your self at all is perversion and it hides the world’s people from each other, leading to ignorance and denial…coward faggot.
You should be proud of every moment of your life. If you are, you don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks, but you can. The fact is…if you are not scared of anything you said or did no one can harm you. …And you Know why.
Any attempt to go against life freedom or reality is coward faggot. Any attempt to harm or kill is coward faggot. Sickness and death are not real, and it is a mistake to think they are real. There is no attack or defense, if there is no attempt to harm or kill.
Whenever anyone tells you what to do or attempts to be in-charge of your life, they destroy thinking and entice hatred. It is absolutely coward faggot.
Selling drugs and women, drugs like crack cocaine and heroine punches holes in houses and destroys neighborhoods…and is coward faggot as well as supporting or ignoring it or denying its existence or that it is not your problem.
Hell isn’t for anybody, we shouldn’t believe in it, but if somebody or a group of people force it on you, you should let them Know how it feels.
Don’t be a coward faggot. Get the help you need.
A Course in Miracles