The Balls Called Me Sack
by Robert G Brown
Friday 8/26/2016
Updated 11.10.2018
Author’s Note: We are all trying understand this mess which we are all a part, and Heaven is more forgiving than you think. So, enjoy the ride, and realize this is all necessary. God goes to the depths of hell with us.
So I am trying to start a game called, “Stupid Fucking Sluts.” And everyone that plays is a stupid fucking slut. The rules are as follows:
1. You have to say things to the players that won’t get you laid.
2. You can gently get people to leave, that you feel should not be there. It can only be be done through gentle suggestion.
3. There is no physical fighting…if you start drama you may be asked to leave.
4. There is one more rule, but I can’t remember what it is…so I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
The I wanna bang clause states you can say, “Let’s stop playing games and fuck,” and this can be done at any time in the game.The clause can only be excepted in mutual agreement.
Oh I remembered #4. No one during the game can talk about the game “Stupid Fucking Sluts.”
All this is…is a virtual reality game, that is so close to reality, you think it is real. God is trying to save us from the game. The way you win at this point in the game is for the whole planet to get along with one another in open acceptance. We are all alike, no matter what we choose in life, and to be accepted back in to Galactic Federation of Planets (I have already been excepted), all we have to do is to free ourselves from the game. There is a one shot end game move where we all walk out of our houses at the same time and say hello to one another, and to God. How cool is that? Until then just be friendly to everyone you meet.
To walk by faith means to trust something beyond yourself, and many use the word God…I know I do. God is my creator…how else did I get here? Poof your alive. A power greater than your self as you understand it gives faith its power. God asks us to love one another unconditionally always. Where are you at in this mission? At this point in time, to walk by faith should create a nervous tension that makes you wonder if you are making the right choice, and only after the action is taken, can you assess the results. When you have forgotten Love’s Presence, sharing or giving love may seem painful at first. Remembering the joy of Heaven will bring you the strength to endure these healing times.
Mr. Brown is possessed by everything, but he is always the lead role meaning he is in full control of the possession because he is always possessed and protected by the Love of God. So he shows you the situation’s and the spirits’ perfect love. God has the ability to stack spirits as well, so he could be dealing with many spirits at any given time. In this healing process he may seem to be crazy, but in reality it is the people he is dealing with that are sick. (internal and external) He is God’s reflection. He is a spiritual cleaner and cleans fear like his mom cleans the house. (Anyone who knows his mom knows what I am talking about.) I like talking in 3rd person. I have been given full authority to handle this situation as I see fit, and I believe I have been very gentle. As our suffering continues we all need to make better decisions that alleviate tension and bring unity. We have been separated for way too long, and God loves us all.
A little skin, a little tingle…makes me want to mingle. How are you today? I say hoping that you’re single. A breath of fresh air is all I really need, when many of these mens are trying to drop their seed.
Does anybody else hear this shit? I got information coming for all over the universe. And we should all know by now, something big is going on. If you can’t handle it, you shouldn’t of signed up for the job…one people hanging out with God. If you want to continue to pretend like this can’t be happening, give the rest of us some peace at least. As King of the Universe and beyond, you know these words are bond. So let us get in touch so we can add to Heaven’s song.
I can’t help it if no one understands my Heaven, but I still deserve it. It includes a small one bedroom house at the edge of the woods, overlooking the ocean. It’s close to my city apartment for a night on the town. Solar and wind powered with a composting toilet. There is music and laughter, a garden of fresh produce inside and outside. All the left overs are jarred for the winter. It’s conservative but open…no need to hide. Free thinking is encouraged. There is an inside/outside kitchen, quaint but plenty of prep room. People visit often and there are always small projects we are working on to keep our minds sharp. There is a pizza oven outside which I also use to kiln my tobacco. There are beautiful herbs growing on the window sill and the smell of their aromas are pungent throughout the kitchen. The is always something fun to be a part of, the conversation is never bland. The peaceful setting heals the soul, and life is good. This is a nice little piece of my Heaven’s dream.
The Right Answer: How Freedom and Reality put Sickness and Death Out of Business