My neighbors in Delran, NJ’s Summerhill governed by at least 27 million psychopath top specimens and their retarded mercenaries or my schizophrenia said they are only here to hurt God and His children, while they play Mr. Nice Guy and solicit rape sex and child molestation for their pornography ring by using Nazi mind control through the faggot walls to destroy open communication and freedom of speech to rape and destroy the universe and everything God is thinking making people overly self-conscious, so they don’t speak up and out will keep people hiding in the closet for easy assassination. Unfortunately for them my protection is God’s protection and makes them look like clowns instead of the genius assassins they claim to be for 500 trillion years of laughter once we get back to Heaven and watch His movie he made for us all. It may take 500 trillion years to get their more or less, but wow.
Spiritual Communication lines have been poisoned and can be repaired here with your help, to undo their faggot wall power of misinformation that gives lies, rumors, and false promises their power to make a bigger mess and ruin the psychology of the human race to the point now we are all infected with faggot infection. Each brain cell is filled with 10 trillion to the 10 power more misinformation that it can handle for healthy living. Please come over now is all God said I said. Ask Him?
Please help me.
Know what is right for you, no matter what is said.