know radio new years day 2019 video
by Robert G Brown
Tueasday 01.01.2019
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Watch the video.
Dogs allowed.
I am here to solve the problem for all, not for some. I am a kid in a murderers world, but a man in all worlds. I am not dead spiritually, I am dead to the world.
The grapes from Save-A-Lot are tremendous for today’s garden. They have beautiful texture and firmness.
Sanitaton is having major problems. Any suggestions or solutions on the topic?You could start a discussion on our bulletin board. What can you do to solve all the world’s problems?
Peace this new year’s day.
Unlimited love expansion is here. People who flip planets like you flip houses are here.
Earth’s Final War
Protect life vs. Protect some life
Earth is your mother and gives freely and asks you to share abundantly and responsibly. What is self-responsibility to your family? How do you describe family?
I can’t wait for you to see the video.
Who are you in the current battle for freedom? Do you batlle for eternal life?
Freedom and reality beyond lazy illusions disguised as war and death is the road we walk here at
You going to watch the video? I think it’s decent and worth the music.
Communication and reliable information is a necessity into today’s lie. How do we find it or establish it? I am doing my part.
Lachinga is a neat friend. We dance. We make cave music you can play in pitch black darkness. She is on the video. We added a little love on the string set.
The Ministers are here at work to open your mind to a world family community. The true offering of your heart is in doing your part in bringing the return of the Garden of Eden. The video has the magnitude.
You watchng it? The video: