Work It V.2 Stay the Course
by Robert G Brown
Wednesday 9.6.2017
Bringing love back to the world, fear disappears as we forgive one another. We look to the Heavens for answers, and God sent The Holy Spirit. Invite The Holy into your life, so you may find God’s Answer to all your questions. The land of dreams has become a land of nightmares to be faced and dispelled by the power of forgiveness. Our salvation becomes one another’s as well shatters any barrier of fear on our path, as our happy dream begins and shines away our fears.
Be happy however you feel…there is a purpose for how you feel, and learning to be happy even when you feel off or disturbed or afraid, reinforces your faith in God. Your commitment to your happiness and innocence is your commitment to mine, and every living soul on this planet. If I AM the messenger, CAN I be Guilty? God is coming to judge you innocent. Are you ready? Done. Now what? Instant Innocence, wow, that makes sense when you are dealing healing with God. Just smile. It will make sense later.
Let’s give a flower to The Creation, and to God, as our gift for getting lost in the physical world, and His Gift of Salvation. Unconditional love trumps all man’s laws, and as we share ours, all fears drift away, as forgiveness becomes our offering to help heal the world lost is dreams, where God is weak or suffering, or His Family can suffer either, because God and His Family don’t suffer and we aren’t weak.
A world family community heals the whole world in peace, and the glory of God shines on us all. Money knows how to put itself out of business, and we can learn to share again. Feeding one another through micro gardens and micro farms, indoor and outdoor give us the freedom to heal, and plan a concert for the cosmos over the next 44 or so years. I hope you are ready to sing, dance, and play. 40 day 40 night concert for the whole cosmos to say we learned something from all this and each other.
All people are of God, some people must have forgot. There are no bad people. We learn to live in peace as we forgive our world, and learn to share again. Sharing is caring. Think about your unconditional loving Father God seeing your innocence radiate as you wonder who is guilty in all this mess. Let Him glorify your name.