Black Spiderman Suit Explained
by Robert G Brown
Original Draft – Tuesday 7/7/2015
Romans Chapter 3 verses 21-31 explains: We overcome fear by faith not by works. Works are shared as appreciation for creation, but faith overcomes all fear and leads us back to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Good Thought Fear – One Aspect: I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of losing precious life which is a good thought fear. (look for more aspects of this thinking in upcoming articles)
Spiderman was one of my favorite superheroes when I was growing up…he still is one of my favorite superheroes. The friendly neighborhood Spiderman described him best, because he always caught the bad guy in his web and then would make a funny joke that perfectly fit the scene. Then he swung away with a smile…and if you know Spiderman, you know what I mean.
Everything was always fine and dandy for Spidey until that really cool looking black Spiderman suit showed up like magic. The moment he put it on he felt stronger, above the world, free from authority, and independent. He thought he could do anything and didn’t need anyone’s permission. But if you remember the story…he could never remember what happened the next day when he awoke.
This kept happening until the suit took over his thinking process and he forgot his true self….the loving, friendly, neighborhood Spiderman. Spiderman was gone and all that was left was a mean guy in a cool looking Spiderman suit.
This story reminds me of the ego mind. It is a man made thinking system that occurred when we lost touch with God and felt alone. It happened a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…and has been what is known to modern psychological sciences as the duality of the mind. What many behavioral sciences failed to uncover is this is the wrong way to use the brain and so it is a sickness that needs healing. The brain is supposed to be used as a unified thinking device for whole brain thinking. This means your individual identity thinking is meant to be double checked with your unified thinking which is One Mind Eternal thinking and encompasses the whole Family of God.
One Mind Eternal thinking is a natural ability that connects you with everything. To explain further our mind was designed by our Creator to be used together with all minds always from a peaceful state of thinking to extend love so we could co-create in perfection and harmony with our Mother and Father in Heaven…with our whole family actually, better known as the Family of God.
The birth of the ego which happened at the same time as the birth of fear destroyed the connection to our unified mind. Once the connection was broken, our mind sought out the connection it had lost by creating what was like an imaginary friend to take the place of the Voice of God.
Since this friend we made was made from fear…our thinking process began to work in a reverse flow from its perfect state. We forgot we were God’s perfect creations and the ego (our personal thinking representative) took the place of God. The ego became an imaginary friend that helped us feel special during this lonely period. But the ego saw power and used it to keep us disconnected from our true family…the Family of God.
Since it was by our making the ego knows us well and continues until this day to manipulate our thinking into fear. All fear is of the ego and all love is of God. The black Spiderman suit is a perfect representation of ego thinking and how it destroys our minds. So, as you think today try to indentify the type of thinking that governs your life from a moment to moment basis. Only perfect love can enter and remain in Heaven. How close are you to its gates and will you be allowed enter and remain once you are there?
There is no voice but your own and no need for a voice at all. Perfect or unconditional love is unlimited, where false authority or fear is limited. There is no voice but your own and there is no need for a voice at all. If you hear a voice it is a false authority and afraid. There is no voice but your own and no need for a voice at all.
Dominion protects all life and is not an authority.
When there is no voice you see the real world. What will you see?
Romans Chapter 3 verses 21-31 explains: We overcome fear by faith not by works. Works are shared as appreciation for creation, but faith overcomes all fear and leads us back to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Good Thought Fear – One Aspect: I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of losing precious life which is a good thought fear. (look for more aspects of this thinking in upcoming articles)
Updated 10.14.2018