Room Party
by Robert G Brown
Thursday 2.1.2018
Madness leads to death, as I sit with freedom, and the 3 blind mice. You thought rape, murder, lies, deception, and thievery was gonna get ya into to Heaven? You don’t even have and lady or gentleman’s hello.
…And you thought you could do nothing, and peep in on a party that represents the world?
What is a warm welcome? What do the kids learn in school? I am a good teacher, why are I not used as a tool? You would rather throw your next evolution in the trash, then solve the puzzle, by being your piece, until you know peace…world family community. Food, clothing, and shelter in abundance with no authoritarian “in-charge” leadership, only servant to all leadership, and advancement beyond limits.
Where ideas are shared, not sold. Life in harmony, not disaster, leads to family and God. Money business crumbles under such unity, and freedom shines on us all to be embraced, or you could hide and die inside. You world has been bought, so I bought it back for God, so we could share like children, instead of imprison the wealth like money hungry sharks, who forgot how to swim, because they ate too much.
If you make up God’s in your head, you will miss the words of your Father, that lie in your heart, to be shared with us all. The god of punishment is dead. The god of ownership is still hanging on. The god of war is pinned to the ground. The god of love knows real love is close. The god of lies still creeps in shadows. The god of deception is losing it’s wealth and power. The god of sickness is finally asking questions. The god of death is thinking about selling real estate? …But at least 7 billion people know the love of God, unconditional and eternal and a gift for us all from God to share freely and unlimited, forever and ever, because that’s how Heaven grows. God bless. I love you. You are Heaven you know.
Why do you act like ignorant serial killers that do whatever they want, until everything is dead? Is that when you wonder, if something is wrong?
The room party was nice. Here are the highlights: