How to Use the Future to Stay Rooted in the Present
by Robert G Brown and presented by the Voice of God (VoG)
Saturday – 6/27/2015
Hope is a beautiful Gift from God, because it gives you visions of a better tomorrow, especially when your life feels all wrong. My Dad always told me to get a job and keep it, until you find another one, but I misinterpreted the message.
Being a dreamer, I always wanted so much more than a job, I saw a job as a sick routine that led to death, but it is really an opportunity to realize your dreams. A job has the ability to meet your needs, and since you don’t work 24 hours a day at a job, you have plenty of time to work fulfilling your dreams. It is your dreams that keep you rooted to the now moment, and it’s your dreams that keep you out of trouble.
As you plan your strategy, do your research, and map your steps to your future reality, each moment brings your dreams from thought to full manifestation in reality. Each day is filled with excitement, and your job is the fuel that makes it possible.
Sure, you could be pissed off and complain about your life, or you could build a dream straight to Heaven. Worthy creation is fueled by a peaceful mind state that freely shares unconditional love in every act of life. This is happiness. AMEN
Inspired by my Mom and Dad: Thank you Dad! You were the tough one to do what you did for our family! Mom you were the strong one; that’s why you got promoted first. I am proud to be the son of MARINES!
Thank you to Jim Carey for his original graduation speech, and Dr Frank R. Wallace for his Neo-Tech books.