How to make money with no money start-up cost
Do you ever feel like you are here for others, but are they here for you too? How do we deceive ourselves from feeling connected? For better or for worse leads us to disconnect and to death? Our connection to life plays a part in fulfilling our intentions? Do you want Jesus to be who you want Jesus to be, regardless of who Jesus really is?
Jesus Christ! What does that have to do with money?
How much money do you want to make? What is the money for? You don’t have to be afraid to be prepared for any venture the way you see fit. Why let the world stand in your way? I think it is good to be considerate of others and try to understand their cares and needs, and what they think is acceptable, but you shouldn’t forget your self and the fact you have the same right, and rights. I live here too. Allowing others to dictate your life may make you angry or generate resentment towards your self others, and/or the world.
With that said, these cool ideas could help anyone make money anywhere, right now.
Panhandler – My friend Calvin said it is okay to ask people for money. There are many ways you can ask. I think…don’t be pitiful, but it works, pitiful. Have you seen pitiful work for anyone panhandling for money? What does acting pitiful teach?
Can you give me any loose change? That is a more neutral question, I think. Polite people like please, right?
If is okay to ask for money, what ways can you ask for money? I learned from personal experience, be cautious and aware of who you deal with, and keep local authorities and local laws in mind. Considering your views on orderly conduct is a good idea from my point of view. Signs like cardboard signs are a great way to attract attention and cardboard signs are affordable considering the monetary costs of everything these days.
Trash Picker – I currently live in Philadelphia and find all kinds of neat treasures on the ground. I have found food that I consider gourmet quality by my own standards just laying on the ground or thrown in the trash. This cuts greatly on food costs, if you don’t mind walking around the city and eating food off the ground or out of the trash. Your discretion is your own, and you have to deal with any companions you are with, and any onlookers. Fear can stop you from picking anything off the ground, or from the trash.
I have found money, clothing, household items likes plates and furniture, in the trash or on the ground. You could find jewelry, rare items, sneakers, shoes, boots, and other footwear.
What else could find on the ground or in the trash? You could build an office from stuff that has been discarded or found in the trash.
Here are some fun questions? Do you want an office? What do you want your office to be like?
Metal Scrapper – With a truck or any automobile, you could scrap metal. You can bring metal to scrap metal yards and get money for the weights of various metals.
General Contractor – You can do house clean-outs, and if you have any tools and experience you could offer general maintenance and house repair. You can shovel snow and/or rake leaves, along with any other yard work experience you have learned. You can do all that with minimal overhead and equipment expenses. For snow, all you need is a shovel. For leaves, all you need is a rake. You may even be able to use a customer’s tools.
Community Charity – You can run errands for your neighbors in your local community, like pick-up groceries or run to the store for them. You can walk dogs, watch pets, and even babysit children depending on the trust you have with your community.
Mobile Shop or Mobile Market – You can sell items you have or find on the streets to the local citizens for cash or trade. You may find affordable shipping options or web display and sales, if it is important to the health of your micro-business. How does someone get involved with a community garden, and how can you earn money from your efforts? Something you can think about, if you have any interest with growing gardens or farming.
Play Music – You can play music in cities on any corner that is open or a busy spot you find, and you can place a sign, and put a cup for tips, or use a donation jar or however you feel you want to express your music for the day.
Word of Mouth Advertising and Sales – If your let people know your skills, people may think of you when any of your skills come up in conversation.
Did you ever wonder what may happen if you asked a homeless person, if they need or if they could use help with anything? I am thinking about it now. Opportunities are everywhere, and so are free community lunches. What about asking travelers coming into the bus train or airport, if you could help them with anything? You could take them to free lunch.
I hope you can use any of the ideas here in this article to make some side cash, or become rich and famous, or for any valuable reason. Have fun. It is okay to be happy. That’s what I am saying. Thanks Calvin.
Do you want your peers’ misery? Do you want to be happy? What do people like about you? Why do people want to be around you? Did you ever think about it? Good luck on your journeys.
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